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The Role of the Metaverse in the Fashion Industry
The digital universe, parallel worlds, or the future of fashion?
The potential to reduce the risk of over-supply and waste, experimenting with fashion lines, and understanding new markets and demographics...
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Digitalne nijanse na tržištu kozmetike i lepote
Hey Siri, make me beautiful!
Tržište kozmetike i lepote donelo je sa sobom drastične promene, koje su na prvi pogled izgledale alarmantno, ali su se ispostavile kao uzbudljiva prilika...
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"Smart" mirror, who is the most beautiful in the world?
Digitalization of the cosmetics industry
The speed at which digital transformation is occurring has turned cosmetic companies towards greater adoption of the latest technologies...
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Electronic commerce in Serbia and the challenges it faces
"Thank you, we're just looking..."
The lack of consumer trust, logistical challenges, customs procedures, electronic payments, and other barriers hinder the development of e-commerce...
Wholesale and Retail
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Challenges faced by supply chains worldwide
Disorder is no longer a one-time event
As supply chains have become vulnerable due to global changes such as the COVID-19 pandemic, trade wars, and natural disasters, adaptation is necessary...
Wholesale and Retail
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The importance of properly setting prices for small business owners
Why is it important to properly determine the price of a product for the survival of a small business
Incorrectly created pricing can have negative consequences; It's important to strike a balance between the value invested in the product and the perceived value by customers...
Wholesale and Retail