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The concept of Open Banking in the modern financial sector
The impact of Open Banking on economic activity
Open Banking enables secure access to users' financial data by third parties through standardized and secure API services...
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Interview with Marko Marković for SeeNews
We strive to continue developing
In the field of management consulting and business solutions, as well as expanding beyond Southeastern Europe...
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The importance of budgeting and reporting in a company
We live in the era of data
The goal of budgeting and reporting is to encourage managers to think ahead and plan, as well as to provide information for monitoring business performance and decision-making...
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Nastojimo dalje da se razvijamo u oblasti menadžment konsaltinga i poslovnih rešenja, kao i da se proširimo van Jugoistočne Evrope
Nastojimo dalje da se razvijamo
Intervju:SEE News Sagovornik:Marko Marković partner u konsultantskoj kući Egzakta Advisory
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Innovative Business Models for Small Companies in Serbia
Digital transformation as a "state of mind"
With the emergence of new digital players in the market, even the largest global companies in traditional industries are compelled to innovate their business models...
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Marko Marković's Interview for Profit Magazine
A step beyond
The team of experienced consultants at Egzakta Advisory collaborates with clients on their most ambitious projects, helping them achieve their goals...